Jimbo's Assumption - why now?
The immediate reason was to mark the arrival of a grandchild. Maybe in
ten or more years, she'll read the work, assuming book readers still
exist by then.
A deeper reason is as a reaction to the sad times
we are enduring. Solace exists in the deeds of our forebears, some
ancient, others recent.
The insights of Professor Hawking are consoling:
have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that
we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.”
a world afflicted by rising sea levels, debt, and conflict, infested
with autocrats, wannabe dictators, and some outright monsters, it’s
important to recognise that many of us
free will, the capacity to make choices and do the right thing. Our
human history is populated by such notables: sacrificing, signalling
empathy, creating beauty, and offering ingenuity. Cleverness is the
trait that will save us if anything can. We depend utterly on science
and a succession of scientific ideas.
To celebrate our better
part, I composed Jimbo’s Assumption, referencing a few of the
professor’s antecedents: an ageless computer contemplates our recent
100k years, a mere blink of a galactic eye, pondering 50 wizards from
Hero to Maxwell and beyond, accompanied by an engineering student while
he dreams. From Newtonian mechanics via the Carnot cycle to wine coolers
and corkscrews, refrigerators and ring-pull beer cans, fruits of our
genius and perseverance.
Humour exists. Uncommon in the galaxy.
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