Our human imagination seems boundless to me. Is it expanding? How to measure it? Do we lose older ideas and insights as we progress? My readers will know that 221 regards the Homo sapiens brain as the galaxy's most complex machine. Abstractions to me, an engineer whose life has been spent trying to fit quarts into pint pots.
The written word, via books, libraries, disk drives, and clouds, has been our route to capture wisdom, knowledge, history, and even humour. Laws and cultural norms, too.
“A picture is worth a thousand words”, an adage attributed to Henrik Ibsen, offers an alternative. Sufficiently persuasive to become a (slightly reworded) pop song but adopted rather earlier by our cave-dwelling ancestors. Thereafter, through da Vinci and Constable to the twentieth century and movies. Perhaps a video is worth a million words?
Seeing or experiencing something provides superior learning outcomes to merely being told. The rationale behind six years of fun-filled schoolboy physics and chemistry experiments in my case, some still remembered. Validating Hooke’s Law was an early one. My blog offers an introduction to the remarkable Robert Hooke.
To conclude my meanderings, the hot news is that a video now exists, introducing Jimbo’s Assumption while depicting a little of the unique Edinburgh cityscape. I’m happy with it. Accessible at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQrxP5gP8FI
Thank you.
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