
Caroline Herschel

Herschel is a name ineradicably linked with the discovery, late in the 18th century, of an unrecognised object by William Herschel. Subsequently designated, Uranus, the seventh planet in our syste ........

Abraham de Moivre

Another sage from our recent past who pondered nature and bequeathed insights. A scholar who lived for 87 years with contributions in the 17th and 18th centuries. Now unknown to many and not always cr ........

For the Herioter Hub:

As the story unfolds, so the character of our hero, Jimbo, emerges. Two facts that become clear are that he attended George Heriot’s, an iconic Edinburgh school, and has a passion for engineering. ........

Robert Hooke

A plethora of geniuses feature in Jimbo’s Assumption, a few familiar even now, while the accomplishments of many more have faded with the passage of time. One such wizard was Robert Hooke.Active durin ........

Jimbo's Assumption - why now?

The immediate reason was to mark the arrival of a grandchild. Maybe in ten or more years, she'll read the work, assuming book readers still exist by then.A deeper reason is as a reaction to the sa ........